
Archi-Love | PAS House

My younger cousin has one wall of her bedroom painted in chalkboard paint so she can go to town without ever getting in trouble for coloring on the walls. I'm a little jealous. I found this house where every surface can be skateboarded on. I'm super jealous.


Enter Francois Perrin of Air Architecture in Los Angeles. I came across the story of this house for pro skater Pierre Andre Senizergues (hence the name PAS House) in the New York Times and I had to check out this building. I am not exaggerating when I say that every surface (including furniture) is made to get some board action. This must be a skateboarder's heaven on earth. As of right now, only a prototype has been built, but the real house is slated to be built in Malibu, California, in the near future. If I showed up at the front door with a basket of cookies and Skullcandy perhaps Pierre would let me in for a look. I can dream. 

Air Architecture

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Well aren't you a cool kid. Thanks for dropping me a line!